Monday, February 17, 2020

Fieldwork observaion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Fieldwork observaion - Essay Example I was there on the 19th of September 2012, as from 1.00 to 1.20 pm. It was quite hot with temperatures of approximately 150 C to 230C. There was no reaction from the people I came across, eight in total, five males and three females. Two of the males were wearing long pants and T-shirts while the other three were in shorts and T-shirts. All the three females were wearing pants and T-shirts of various complexities. The lack of reaction is attributed to the fact that these people were not interested in what those around them thought or said about their behavior. From observation, all those people were overwhelmed by the beauty of their behavior’s implications. It was surprising to note that all these people cared about their cigarette. It is what makes their world; it is what gives them comfort and relaxation, presumably enabling them to forget the reality. I never thought of it this while in the same group. I had been blinded by the thought of pleasure then, and the thought of having no worry or responsibility over anything or anyone, let alone myself. The results of this field experience profoundly support our four-part definition of culture. Culture, being a set of learned and shared attitudes, beliefs, values, customs and meanings, is encompassed in providing a distinction in the existence of the persons concerned in the field study. In terms of how culture is learned, it is evident that every person in this location learned how to smoke through someone else, or through an experience or an exploration. With time, people have continued loving what they like, and smoking has become part of their lifestyle. With regard to how culture is shared, members of the same group often share similar beliefs and values. As such, these people find fulfillment in being with their kind, with those whom they share this behavior. Having a shared notion about smoking eliminates a considerable difference among them, and they can more easily intermingle with each other. The similarity in behavioral patterns reflects a deeper level of sharing culture since smoking has become a norm for these people. This is essentially with regards to homogeneity of these people’s interests (Davis 200). It is also evident that culture is reliant upon language and symbols. From the study’s observation, the people have a unique way of communication, for instance when one would like to light up his or her cigar with another’s. This codal communication enables understanding at a higher level and also creates a feeling of belonging among these people. Cultural integration refers to how a certain culture borrows some attributes from another, and so it becomes seemingly integrated in the other culture. Smoking has been borrowed from cultures of other people and has been integrated in this environment. It has become integrated due to its consistency. From my knowledge, the behavior at this place has been continuous and takes place at the area over a long t ime. So, smoking has become a custom for this particular premise. In terms of being patterned, the custom has thrived in the area, with many young adults wanting to experience the zeal. In the current society however, smoking should not be patterned due to the many avenues advocating against it. Smoking has however become an adaptive custom in this area and is not likely to diminish significantly. In conclusion, Santa

Monday, February 3, 2020

Impact of Globalization on General Motors Essay

Impact of Globalization on General Motors - Essay Example These include simplifying the process where possible, finding cheaper but high quality material to help with the manufacturing process (Reader 2006, p.7). Additionally the company believes that innovative technology will help it attain better production hence increasing output but the question is how globalisation in the automotive industry affects GM. Globalisation is a double-edged sword that cuts both ways in this case it has both the positive and the negative impact on any industry. However, the degree of managing these effects determines the success or failure of a company in a particular industry. When examining the effects of globalisation in a company for instance GM, we have to look at all the department, branches, plants and any subsidiaries of the company. The reason for this is that globalisation is a multifaceted phenomenon. For instance, we have to look at how globalisation has affected GM employees, the production process, the marketing aspect, the information technolo gy aspect and the management aspect (Alias 2008, p.10). The complexity of the automotive industry demands that the company should effectively deal with the impact of globalisation because if the competitors are able to deal with it more effectively than the GM then this can be catastrophic or detrimental to both the company image and the market. The world is moving towards becoming a global village hence having a very fast rate of globalisation. As a result, companies should strategise and gear up for this cause to avoid eradication due to drastic changes. However, in dealing with the effects of globalisation on the GM it is important to separate all the sections and critically examining them individually ratherthat having a... The paper tells that increased globalisation has led to increased competition in the automotive industry with registration of new entrants who have better ways of manufacturing and production of vehicles. However, one of the biggest competitors to GM is the Japanese company Toyota manufacturing durable and affordable vehicles. Additionally, due to the persistent hard economic times more and more people are opting to buy fuel-efficient vehicle and vehicles whose spare parts are easily available. The Toyota Company has managed to tap into this market both locally and globally hence giving GM very stiff competition. Additionally, due to globalisation vehicles are becoming cheaper hence reducing the profit margin of GM. Because of this, it forces the company to seek ways of cutting down costs in order to increase the profit margin because they cannot increase the prices due to the demand and supply forces of the market. Globalisation has also made information readily available to consume rs in the market. Additionally, the introduction of ecommerce solution has also cut down on the cost of business transactions. Customers are now able to purchase vehicles from another counter through the internet and go through all the relevant processes that will enable him or her get the vehicle at his or her disposal. GM has to deal with these globalisation effects in order to stay afloat in business. The distance between countries is closing up very fast due to the development of efficient ways of transportation and business transactions are becoming easier due to the technological development.